Sunday, September 26, 2010

One of Many Goals

I really wish I was more productive with my time. I'm always just wasting it instead of working.
Productivity has always been a problem for me, especially when I was younger. The report cards would always come home telling my parents how terrible I was at managing time and using it wisely. Of course, that was never a real problem until high school and I realized just how much it affected my grades. All in all, I blame my own faith in my abilities. I know that no matter how much time I waste, whatever time I have left will still be enough to finish the task at hand because I am simply good at halfassing. In the case where I had 0 talent except maybe persistence, I'd probably be much better at making use of my time. Ah whatever. I guess it only makes it a goal for me to change my habits.

Here's a damn good song I can't stop listening to.


I guess I could also use this blog to post cosplay updates and whatnot as well.
So for the time being, I'm just going to ramble on about life as it comes to me, since I love finding old blogs and reading things that I don't remember writing :].

Saturday, September 25, 2010

First Post

So yeah, first post! Probably going to be using this as ventilation to total strangers of my every day drama/angst. Much of which no one would want to hear about. In order to make up for the bullshit on here, I'll also post sketches and art dumps from time to time.